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  Random Tip:
14.Use the "[Team] Use commandbutton ability" script in case you have made a CommandSet upgrade to include new commandbuttons on the same object. Select the factions generic team which has the prefix "team" before the actual name (e.g. teamSkirmishAmerica).
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» And more fixes on SDI!
Posted April 15, 2008. By Banshee.

I wasn't very satisfied with the changes I've done in the SDI few days ago and now I've also fixed some layout issues and skinned the network bar. Script Development Initiative is a special place for Generals and Zero Hour modders, which includes several tutorials for modders and downloads, mostly focused on AI scripting, but not restricted to it. And there are also the random tips of the day that may save many lives. I hope you enjoy it!

If you have any modding questions for Generals/ZH, use our editing forums (guest posting allowed) and we'll try to help you.

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» Akkrand AI Update 1.15 + TFH + NoSilence SCB
Posted August 29, 2004. By Mithril.
The already famous "Lightning" Akkrand has worked on his AI again and advanced to version 1.15. He didn't say much about the changes - however there is evidence to assume that he has improved the plane and bombtruck AI. Grab his AI HERE.

There's also a new file available; the No Silence between Music ZH Scripts. Ever wondered why there's such a long silence between the music tracks? Well this .scb reduces the silence length effectively - you won't be playing without listening to the ZH tracks often.

Furthermore there's a huge update over at The Finest Hour. They have an ingame shot of the Ferdinand\Elephant, renders and ingame shots of the French Popup Turret, firing 135mm grenades, a new fuel tank system that will allow the player to target a part of a vehicle designated as its fuel storage tank with a generals ability, the destruction of that fuel tank takes the vehicle with it! Finally there is a preview of a USA mission map and a render of the M18 Hellcat.

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» Akkrand AI Update 1.13 + TFH Contest
Posted August 16, 2004. By Mithril.
Again, Lightning Akkrand has updated his AI, grab it here

This new version contains even further enhancments to the dynamic attack path system. He has submitted those scripts for others to adapt to their AI's - a proper download with documentation will become available in an amount of time. For now, read about his new changes or get his dynamic attack path scripts here.

The Finest Hour has announced the opening of a Concept Drawing Contest. Here is the official announcement:

"We have a contest for you today. TFH is stuck.. well Mongoose is the one who is stuck. He needs concept art for the German Tech Center. What he needs is for it to be clear and clean, not too much of a mess, with a fence and a medium sized land area. Would be a plus if you can include a V2 Rocket Pad. Feel free to submit any pieces of concept art without worrying too much about quality - MS Paint or similar programs are sufficient for this purpose. The most useful drawing will win a beta testing slot. The team will judge the drawings."

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» Dynamic attack paths
Posted July 24, 2004. By Mithril.
New tutorial about Dynamic attack paths is up. If you implement this your AI won't just send teams to die at the enemy base defenses. Especially useful for Burton\Black Lotus rush tactics...

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