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5. Be sure to simplify your scripts. For example, if you want to execute a script every few seconds, you do not need an expiration timer or counter, set it to evaluate every few seconds and uncheck the "Deactivate upon success" checkbox.
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How to create multiple Military Briefings for your maps

Title: How to create multiple Military Briefings for your maps
Difficulty: Novice AI Scripter
Author(s): SDI Team
Game Type: Both Regular Generals and Zero Hour

First, create your map as usual in WorldBuilder..

Now go to EDIT/SCRIPTS and put the following in the PlyCivilian folder:

Script name: mapName
*** IF ***
*** THEN ***
Show military briefing String: 'mapName' for 5000 milliseconds.
Set timer 'createdByCountDown' to expire in 5.00 seconds.

Script name: createdBy
*** IF ***
Timer 'createdByCountDown' has expired.
*** THEN ***
Show military briefing String: 'createdBy' for 5000 milliseconds.
Set timer 'qaCountDown' to expire in 5.00 seconds.

Script name: qa
*** IF ***
Timer 'qaCountDown' has expired.
*** THEN ***
Show military briefing String: 'qa' for 6500 milliseconds.
Set timer 'email' to expire in 6.50 seconds.

Script name: email
*** IF ***
Timer 'email' has expired.
*** THEN ***
Show military briefing String: 'email' for 6000 milliseconds.

NOTE: Play with the timings as you wish. Further, all above scripts are Set to Deactivate Once Run and are Evaluated Every Frame until disabled.

Now create a file called "map.str" and put it where your map is. This file is actually a text file and it will look like this (conforming to the above):

"Cool Map NAME"

"created by JohnSmith"

"questions/comments and other stuf, email me at"


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